At a recent NZMCA Rally I was talking to a delightful couple from Papamoa!
They had sold their house and put their furniture and household items into storage and had been travelling around New Zealand for two years. Every month they received their account for the high cost to store those items and recently went and opened the doors and laughed when they looked inside. They asked me whether I had ever seen Storage Wars on TV.
Anyway, whether you pay for storage or not, there are some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide what to keep and what to toss. My favourite question is: Would I buy this today? Think about clothing you haven't worn for ages because it doesn't fit. Would you buy clothing today that is three sizes too small? No. Would you buy a bread maker even though you now know that you'll probably never use it? No. What's the worst possible thing that could happen if you let these things go? Well, you might lose weight and be able to fit back into those clothes. I actually did that a couple of years ago and there are a few things I wish I had saved. But the rest? I prefer my new skinny clothes. Even if you live on a limited income, think about this… Could you get another pretty easily and inexpensively IF you need it? My rule is that if I can replace an item for under $20 and in 20 minutes or less, I let it go. Keep in mind that you may be able to purchase a used item for significantly less than the cost of new. Or simply borrow it from a friend or neighbour and give it back when you're done with it.
If you have to think more than a few seconds about whether or not to keep something, what does that tell you? It's probably not that important to you. By letting it go, you'll create more space in your home for the things you love and use. And isn't that what you want? Less clutter, more space?
To keep clutter from accumulating, apply the one in/one out rule: When you bring a new item in the front door, send at least one thing packing out the back door. Give it away, donate or sell it. Donating is the quickest, easiest way to get things out of your home. I recommend keeping a donation bag or box in your wardrobe and another one in a central location for household items. When the bag or box gets full, drop it off at your favorite charity.
Question your purchases. Do you have something at home that will work just as well? Do you have a place to put this new item? Are you buying to satisfy a want or need? There's nothing wrong with buying something you want. But knowing that it's a want might make you think twice about it. If the reason your home is filled with excess stuff is because you're a shopaholic, try buying only necessities for 30 days to break the habit of spending. Go shopping with a list and stick to it. If your purchases have created debt, make the commitment to pay cash for everything you buy. Remember that the most important things in life are not things. Instead of spending money today on stuff that becomes tomorrow's clutter, spend time with the people you love, doing things you love doing. If you would like assistance, phone Over & Above on 0800 22 88 24 for a free consultation.