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How to help an older person move.
Supporting an elderly person to make a move means much more than simply packing up boxes and calling in a moving company. It is important...

Does your wardrobe seem like an exotic country to you?
Mysterious, impenetrable? Does the thought of opening your wardrobe doors strike fear in your heart? Transform your wardrobes from...

Have you lost a parent? Not sure where to start when it comes to clearing their place?
A person's daily possessions form a kind of exoskeleton, and the act of disposing of them is another stage of mourning and letting go....

Are you trying to help your Aged Parents?
I want to talk about one of the transitions that many of us will be involved in sooner or later, and that is helping our aged parents to...

Storage Wars NZ
At a recent NZMCA Rally I was talking to a delightful couple from Papamoa! They had sold their house and put their furniture and...

Selling your home and it looks like a bruised apple?
Just like you wouldn’t choose a bruised apple, potential buyers may expect to pay less for a property that doesn’t look its best. There's...

What do I do with the garage?
Have you ever asked dad for a hammer and the response has been “sure, if you can find it!” “Didn’t you get me one last year?” Garages...

How to tackle your bathroom clutter in 4 easy steps.
Sick of opening your bathroom cupboards and not being able to find what you’re looking for? Tackle the somewhat daunting task in 4 steps.
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